Best Student Poster Awards


Students interested in entering their paper in the Student Best Poster Awards should indicate their intent by answering affirmative to this question during the extended abstract submission using the EDAS abstract submission system.  There will be two categories:  1) Graduate student, and 2) Undergraduate student.  There will be a 1st place award of $500 and a 2nd place award of $400 given in each category.

Using this pool of extended abstracts, a selection committee will carefully consider the technical quality of the submitted extended abstracts and will select up to ten papers for the final competition. The selected candidates will be informed soon thereafter.

There is no distinction between papers that are presented in a poster or oral session. Therefore, for this purpose these papers will be grouped and presented in the Best Student Poster Competition Session. 

A team of up to five unidentified (to the students) judges having read the proceedings papers will visit the students during the poster session to observe their interactions with interested attendees, ask questions about their work, etc. Subsequently, based on several factors including, but not limited to, the technical quality, presentation in the proceedings, poster clarity and quality of presentation and ability of the student to engage in technical discussions will select the First and Second place papers.  The winners will be announced at the Awards Luncheon on Wednesday of the conference week.

The following requirements MUST be satisfied for a paper to be considered for this award: 

1.    The paper must be primarily the work of the student candidate, although it may have multiple co-authors.  
2.    The poster must be presented by the student and may not be presented by another person or a co-author.
3.    Only one paper, authored by any given student, may be in the final pool.

**Please note:  If there are not at least 3 papers in a particular category, no award will be given.